Saturday, February 4, 2006

Episode 31: Broken deadlines, broken connections

All sorts of trouble this week. The show was going to come out Friday (late) and then my connection died at the moment of uploading feeds.
I have set up a Frappr! map just so I can get an idea of where the listeners are. But it won't work unless you stick your pin in it.
"Ganges a Go-Go" by Kalyanji V. Shah and Anandji V. Shah remixed by Dan the Automator and DJ Shadow from Bombay the Hard Way: Guns, Cars and Sitars
"America's Boy" by Broadcast from Tender Buttons
"Last In Line" by Glifted from Under and In
"Sun Drums and Soil (Part 2)" by Four Tet from Everything Ecstatic 2
"Diplo Electric Manatee Final Mixdown" by Piano Overlord from Singles Collection
"Acephale" by Tim Hecker from Mirages
"Cecilseasnail" by Earwig from Gasp's Guide to Traveling
"Kid You'll Move Mountains" by Manitoba from Up in Flames
"Glasgow Mega-snake" by Mogwai from Mr. Beast
"Pesce Spada" by Alog from Miniatures
"The Guidelines" by Mumbles from Book of Human Beats
"Beheaded" by Techno Animal from Radio Hades
"Over Under Upside Down" by Enoch Light from Action
"Rite of Spring" by Ass Droids from the CockRock Disco 2006 Artist compliation.
Thanks for listening and don't forget the listener comment line at 206.339.EVIL (3845). Thanks for listening.