Sunday, July 31, 2005

Episode 8: Drones a plenty

I had a special request:
Play more drones.
I had been working on a drones episode and wasn't sure if I was going to post it, but since I had the request here it is. It will truly melt you head if you give it the opportunity. The songs are all very long and this episode is about 20 minutes longer than usual. Back to out traditional format next week.
"Zone" by Thomas Koner from the Divination double CD Distill
"5MEO-DMT" by Time Machines (aka Coil) from Time Machines CD
"Evil Spirits/AngeI Dust" by Techno Animal from Re-Entry
"Lightfast" by Morphogenetic Fields (aka Atom Heart) from the Morphogenetic Fields CD.
"Corona I" by Main from Hz.
"Walk the White Ghost" by Tony Wakeford and Steven Stapleton from Revenge of the Selfish Shellfish
"Annals of Sanctity" by TAGC from Iso-Erotic Callibrations
An untitled drone by William Basinski from Disintegration Loops.
I hope everyone enjoys this weeks episode. Please make sure you see the special meta posting above for some important announcements.