Friday, July 21, 2006

Episode 54: Zappa-esque?

OK this show doesn't really sound like Zappa. It is pretty full on and less subtle than usual though and I think that is why I get that Zappa vibe. Pretty over the top stuff.
"Sunrise" by Daedalus from Denies the Day's Demise. Courtesy of the artist.
"Jelipper-Lilly Field" by Wizardzz from Hidden City of Taurmond. Courtesy of Load RecordsLoad Records MySpace.
"Vertical Planes" by Monster Movie from All Lost. Courtesy GravefaceGraveface MySpace.
"Younger than Springtime" by the Bob Thompson Orchestra from MMM-Nice. Courtesy Bob Thompson Music.
"Silver" by Jesu from Silver. Courtesy HydraHeadHydraHead MySpace.
"In the Woods" by Raco-oo-oon from The Cave Of Spirits Forever. Courtesy of the artist.
"Dr C" by Alias and Tarsier from Brookland/Oaklyn. Courtesy Anticon RecordsAnticon MySpaceAlias and Tarsier MySpace.
"Stevie Bam Jackson" by Machine Drum from Bidnezz. Courtesy MerckMerck MySpace.
"Slant Eyes" by Aural Fit from Livestock. Courtesy of the Artist.
"A Letter From the Past" by I'm Not a Gun from We Think as Instruments. Courtesy of Centre City Offices.
"Southern Comfort" by Burial from their Self titled CD. Courtesy of Hyperdub.
"Surface to Air" by Zombi from Surface to Air. Courtesy of Relapse Records.
"I Demand my Fucking Cloud" by Magicicada from Everyone is Everyone. Courtesy of the ArtistMySpace.
Some really great tracks on here. If you a triphop sort of person, that Alias and Tarsier CD is the best release of the year. Be sure to check out the Bob Thompson links. He has some amazing records and a great released CD.

This week's Spartacus Roosevelt Featured Track is "Auto-Rickshaw" by Caural from the Remembering Today CD. He has several releases available and can be contacted via his MySpace or through Mush Records.