Friday, January 20, 2006

Episode 29: And Holding....

I got to give a shout out this week to JVonD for his kind words about the show. I don't do nearly enough promotion, but I would like to see the show grow. Tell your friends. The show this week is a lot more laid back than the glitch aggro nightmare that was last week.
"Arched Maid" by AFX from Hangable Auto Bulb
"Big Bright Star" by Donna Regina from A Quiet Week in the House
"Naoise" by Dosh from Pure Trash
"Small Mr. Man Pants" by Odd Nosdam featuring Andrew Broder and Orvar Smarason from Burner
"Stop Coming to My House" by Mogwai from Happy Music for Happy People
"Relaxing at Club Fusion" by Koop from Waltz for Koop
"Boogie Woogay" by Electric Kettle from Drunk and Disorderly
"Orion" by Zombi from Cosmos
"Bound by Sound" from Skopic's self-titled CD.
"Ikuisuuden Maailma" by Paavoharju from Yhä Hämärää
"Umbral" by Mils from Neufs Immaterials
"Saddic Gladdic" by WagonChrist from Sorry I Make You Lush
"Carnivores Unite" by Blockhead from Music by Cavelight
"Exuma" by Tape from Rideau
Thanks for listening.