Thursday, September 15, 2005

Episode 14: The little green wheels are following me.

Wednesday looks like it will work out for release day. Next week I will be playing some submitted work so send me a link if you think your music will fit into the show.
"Ashes to Ashes (Digital Spacepop Replicant)" by Lassigue Bendthaus from Pop Artificielle (INFO)
"Ultra Lazuli" by Baikonour from For the Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos (INFO)
"Tower" based on "The Seer's Tower" by Sufjan Stevens from Illinoise remixed by MC DJ fromIllin-noise
"I Am Back" by Mr. Projectile from Sinking(INFO)
"Alla Scoperta Dell'India" by Francesco De Masi from the Original Soundtrack to India (INFO)
"In My Head a Crystal Sphere of Fluid" by Peter Christopherson from Foxtrot (INFO)
"Beehiver II" by Sereena Manesh from the Self-titled CD (INFO)
"Tunnel (ElectroConvulsive Mix)" by God (mix by Kevin Shields) from Appeal of Human Greed(INFO)
"Girls Alone (Nobody Muzak Mix" by Nobody from from The Now Sound Redesigned(INFO)
"Snake Tartare" by (T)ekel mixed by Ivan Smagghe from Fabric 23 (INFO)
"Upsetter" by Odd Nosdam from Burrner (INFO)
"Ultra Visitor" by Squarepusher from the CD of the same name, (INFO)
If you are interested in submitting records works to the SRH, send me a link.